Congratulations to our scholarship recipients! New applications will be accepted starting January 1st.- Learn More
Duane Staack - President
Matt Livengood - 1st Vice President
Diana Wadsworth - 2nd Vice President
Treasurer - K'Linn Huffman
Secretary - Dixie Christensen (interim)
Bessie Fletcher - Past President
Bud Sherrets - Bureau of Land Management Honorary Member Director Emeritus
Arlynn Hacker - Backcountry Horsemen of Idaho Inc and Western Riding Club
Matt Livengood - Sweet Pepper Ranch
John Mead - 4 H Youth
Anna Lucy Keller - Individual Idaho Dressage and Eventing Association
Marjaliisa Waugh - Backcountry Horsemen of Idaho Inc
Dan Waugh- Backcountry Horsemen of Idaho Inc
Duane Staack- Saddle Up!
Donna Staack - Saddle Up!
Jim Knight - Associate Draft Horse Association
Ed McNelis - Idaho Quarter Horse Association
Cameron Mulrony-
Anne Phillips-Gahley-
Raina Gabbard-Idaho Mounted Orienteering
Dixie Christensen - Idaho 4-H Youth Horse Council & Past President
Bessie Fletcher -American Blazer Horse Association
Diana Wadsworth - Intermountain Appaloosa Horse Club
Connie Bowcutt - Backcountry Horsemen of Idaho
Gail Duke - Idaho 4H Youth
K'Lynn Huffman - American Blazer Horse Association
Kimberly Kvamme - Eastern Idaho Quarter Horse Association and Intermountain Appaloosa Horse Club
Mandie Stuhan - Horse & Halo, Chair of the Animal Welfare Commitee and the Legislative Committee
Shelby Ketcham - Western Riding Club
Crystal Tonto - American Blazer Horse Association
Connie Blayney - Idaho Quarter Horse Association and Western Riding Club
Ron Fergie
Dennis Stitt
Leo VanSistane